Public Duty & the Oath
So, sue me. Its' NOT my Job. I'm not a lawyer. I just follow orders. Tell it to the judge. I enforce the law. I can't interfere with the Judicial Process. Does this kind of sound like the SUPREMACY of STATE, COMMUNISM?
Ever try to use the established Checks and Balances to correct an injustice, compel any government official (bureaucrat) to obey his MORAL Public Duty or his Oath. Well chances are you have heard those IGNORANT ARROGANT statements before. The standard Boiler Plate responses "DISCLAIMERS" of the bureaucrat exercising his presumed ABSOLUTE DICTATORIAL POWER to ATTAIN or DISAVOW the ATTAINDER of his fellow American's UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, your rights and your Liberties. Do you have any idea, where this mentality leads. Well let me explain.
THERE is nothing more DANGEROUS than IGNORANCE in ACTION. Add ARROGANCE and you have real TYRANTS. It doesn't matter whether the OPPRESSORS are GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS, JURIES or MAJORITIES.
The ONLY way a JURY can render a TRUE verdict, "JUSTICE" is if they know the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, otherwise their verdict is ATTAINED or TAINTED and is JUST as OPPRESSIVE as any TYRANT. That is why Jurors were to be peers or neighbors of the accused to be the best judges of his motive and intent.
1961 TRIAL
ANSWER:Did you know whether the ORDERS you were obeying were LEGAL (right) or ILLEGAL (wrong)?
Do you have any IDEA who issued the preceding QUESTION and ANSWER?I'm NOT a lawyer, I'm just a bureaucrat following orders.
In every tragedy between government and people you will find the instrument of OPPRESSION, the bureaucrat, claiming IGNORANCE as he ATTAINS your LIFE, LIBERTY and your UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.
BUT IGNORANCE of the law is NO EXCUSE. There
is a higher Moral Authority as was established in the Nuremburg Trials.
Adolph Eichmann meeting a similar fate as those convicted in the Nuremburg
Trials was Hanged as a War Criminal in 1962. Finally this 1961 trial exposed
the horrors of the Holocaust to the world and to the Jews themselves, who
were unable to speak of the horrors they had suffered.
Resign you Office
Henry David Thoreau explains, If the tax gatherer, or any public officer, ask me, as one has done. "But what shall I do?" "If you really wish to do anything, RESIGN your OFFICE" When the subject has refused allegiance and the officer had resigned his office, then the revolution is accomplished.
Thomas Jefferson explains, "To compel
a man to furnish funds for propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors
is sinful and tyrannical. It is error alone that needs the support
of government. Truth can stand by itself"
"I do solemnly swear"
While we all should let God judge our sins, it is the CRIMINAL transgressions that we must NOT allow and is the intent of the U.S. Constitution, "Liberty." Dictators or bureaucrats get things done. The Constitutions was designed to bind the hands of would be dictators and eliminate the FAST TRACK to Tyranny.
The United States Constitution is each and every American, We the People. Therefore the Oath of Office is a Loyalty Oath to each and every American Citizen consistent with God's Law a truly HIGHER MORAL basis of LEGAL (right) or ILLEGAL (wrong).
Any UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT is a serious charge, an ILLEGAL OVERT ACT of Political, Economic or Hostile WARFARE, TREASON, violating the the Oath of Office: against America We the People, against any American, against the Public Trust, against our Compound Republic, against the United States Constitution and against each State Constitution.
U.S. Const. Art. III § 3 Treason against the United States Shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort, No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the Same overt Act, OR on Confession in open Court.
Any type of Boiler Plate response like, "Its NOT
my job" is an UNACCEPTABLE answer from any Bureaucrat, who should then
be asked respectfully to furnish his full name, title, address, identity
number, then respectfully Notified of Breach of Oath asked to RESIGN